There are 13 state theatres in Lithuania: eight drama theatres, two puppet theatres and three music theatres. Three theatres have been granted national theatre status.
National theatres:
Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre;
Lithuanian National Drama Theatre;
National Kaunas Drama Theatre.
State theatres:
Juozas Miltinis Drama Theatre;
Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania;
The State Small Theatre of Vilnius;
The rules and procedure for granting the status of a professional performing arts theatre are governed by Article 5(3) of the Law on Theatre and Concert Institutions as well as the Description of the Procedure for the Recognition of a Legal Person as a Professional Performing Arts Theatre or Concert Institution as well as the Revocation of this Recognition approved by Order No. ĮV-23 of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania of 28 January 2005 ‘On Approval of the Procedure for the Recognition of a Legal Person as a Professional Performing Arts Theatre or Concert Institution as well as the Revocation of this Recognition’.
In accordance with the Rules for Partial Compensation of the Cost of Dissemination (Venue Hire) of Professional Performing Arts Projects from State Budget Funds approved by Order No. ĮV-95 of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania of 11 February 2015, theatres with the status of a professional performing arts theatre are partially compensated for costs related to the dissemination (venue hire) of professional performing arts projects.
The most significant works of professional theatre creators and outstanding professional achievements in the fields of drama, opera, operetta and musical, ballet, dance, puppet and object theatre as well as children’s and youth theatre are recognised by awards conferred by the Ministry of Culture – the Golden Stage Cross and the Borisas Dauguvietis Earring. The winners are announced and the awards are presented on World Theatre Day – 27 March.
The Ministry of Culture organises the Dalia Tamulevičiūtė Competition for Lithuanian Authors of Performing Works of Art – a winner is selected from the sketches/extracts of performing works of art submitted to the Ministry of Culture from professional performing arts theatres according to the established procedure, to whom funding is allocated for the production of a play or one-person play.
More information:
Janina Krušinskaitė ([email protected], +370 680 45 515).