Competence of the Ministry of Culture in the field of administration of library activities
The Ministry of Culture carries out the following functions of state administration of libraries:
- defines the strategy on the development of libraries founded by the state or municipalities, prepares and finances strategy implementing programmes;
- carries out administration of the provision of public services by libraries, the rights and obligations of the owner whereof are implemented by the Ministry of Culture;
- draws up and coordinates documents governing library activities, as well as approves them in accordance with the procedure established by legislation;
- commissions and finances scientific research;
- coordinates the activities of libraries founded by the state or municipalities, as well as their involvement in cross-border programmes;
- finances acquisition of documents of county and municipal public libraries;
- may finance libraries that implement state library development programmes, regardless of their legal form and status;
- approves the list of paid services provided by the libraries founded by the state or municipalities and establishes that services other than those indicated in the list shall be free of charge;
- controls the implementation of administrative acts and decisions of this law and other laws governing library activities (control of subordinate libraries, supervision of insubordinate libraries);
- approves the forms of statistical reports of libraries;
- establishes the procedure for the certification of librarians employed in libraries founded by the state or municipalities, and takes care of librarians’ further training;
- enacts legislation to provide for mandatory application of Lithuanian standards in library activities.
The system of Lithuanian libraries
The network of Lithuanian libraries covers 2 549 libraries (data as of 1 January 2016):
- Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania;
- The Lithuanian Library for the Blind;
- 5 county public libraries (Vilnius County Adomas Mickevičius Public Library, Kaunas County Public Library, Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library, Šiauliai County Povilas Višinskis Public Library, Panevėžys County Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Public Library;
- 1 267 municipal public libraries;
- 18 libraries of museums and other cultural agencies;
- 5 libraries of science institutions (the Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 4 libraries of research institutes);
- 31 special libraries;
- 41 libraries of higher education institutions;
- 1 180 libraries of educational establishments.
The Ministry of Culture is in charge of 7 libraries (Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, 5 county public libraries and the Lithuanian Library for the Blind).
Library statistics
Key documents regulating library activities
The primary document which regulates library activities is the Republic of Lithuania Law on Libraries, adopted on 6 June 1995 (the new version became effective on 23 December 2013).
The Strategic Directions of Library Development 2016–2022 were approved by Order No. ĮV-344 of the Minister of Culture on 29 April 2016. The document is aimed at the effective use of the potential of libraries as the efficient information infrastructure, ensuring the development of lifelong learning of society members and their social and economic welfare, as well as maximizing the impact on national and regional development.
The Regulations of the Lithuanian Library Stock were approved by Order No. ĮV-670 of the Minister of Culture on 11 December 2006. The purpose of this document is to regulate the formation of the Lithuanian library stock, its structure and the procedure of the formation, use and accounting of the components of the stock: deposit, exchange and reserve stocks.
The Regulations of Protection of the Library Stock were approved by Order No. 499 of the Minister of Culture on 6 October 2010. The document regulates the accounting of the Lithuanian library stock (hereinafter referred to as the “Stock”), receipt of documents, transfer of the Stock, verification of the Stock, writing off of documents, Stock protection, and staff liability.
The Description of the Procedure of Payment of Royalties for the Use of Books and Other Publications in Libraries was approved by Order No. 182 of the Minister of Culture on 6 February 2002. The document sets forth the rate of a royalty for the transferred authors’ exclusive rights to provide books and other publications for the use in libraries, paid to authors or their successors, as well as the terms and conditions of payment thereof.
The Description of the Procedure of Certification of Librarians was approved by Order No. ĮV-320 of the Minister of Culture on 4 June 2010. It regulates the goals, categories, assessment criteria, certification and appeal procedure related to the certification of library specialists working in libraries founded by the state and municipalities or their institutions.
The number of legal deposit documents and their delivery to libraries was approved by Resolution No. 1389 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 22 November 1996.
Public organisations of libraries
- In 1931, the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association was established.
- In 1997, the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Directors’ Association was established.
- In 1998, the Association of Lithuanian County Public Libraries was established.
- In 1999, the Association of Lithuanian Municipal Public Libraries was established.
- In 2001, the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium was established.